Black Lives Matter Memorial Art Exhibition
The exhibition features powerful artworks by renowned artists Dr. Syrus Marcus Ware, Maestro Jason Ikeem Rodgers, Orchestra Noir, and Toni Latour.
S’ELIYEMETAXWTEX Art Gallery – University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) Gallery, B Building, Room B136
SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 | 12PM – 2PM
SEPTEMBER 13 to OCTOBER 1, 2023.
HOURS: Monday to Friday from 12pm to 5pm
THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MEMORIAL PROJECT is now open at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) Gallery on Sto:lo territory (in Abbotsford, British Columbia).
There will be a reception on September 27, 2023, from 12 to 1 pm, with a special guest speaker, former Seattle Black Panther Elmer Dixon (@officialelmerdixon), from 1 to 2 pm. Elmer has been an international EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) speaker for the last 30 years and is releasing his new book.
All are welcome to this free event. The Project is a multidisciplinary art exhibition that honours Black lives taken by police violence in Canada and the United States. It reflects on the systemic racism that exists in both countries while recognizing the drive for hope, change, and justice. Artists involved are Dr. @syrusmarcus, UFV Creative Arts Instructor @tonilatour, Maestro Jason Ikeem Rodgers, and @orchestranoir. Together with the Canada Council for the Arts (@canada.council) and the BC Arts Council (@bcartscouncil), it is a pleasure to offer support of this project.
The exhibition will run until October 11, 2023.
The Black Lives Matter Memorial Project is dedicated to honoring Black lives lost to racial injustice and police violence.
The exhibition features powerful artworks by renowned artists Dr. Syrus Marcus Ware, Maestro Jason Ikeem Rodgers, Orchestra Noir, and Toni Latour.
This memorial aims to shed light on the systemic racism that has led to the tragic deaths of Black individuals in both Canada and the United States. Through art, we have the power to spark empathy, understanding, and unity. The Black Lives Matter Memorial Project invites Vancouverites to engage with the artwork, learn about the lives cut short, and reflect on the immense loss suffered by Black families and communities.
The project has been three years in the making, and is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the B.C. Arts Council, and the Vancouver Biennale.
Media Coverage
North by Northwest Interview with Margaret Gallagher