Rules For Vancouver – What Are Your Rules?
Rules For Vancouver – What Are Your Rules?
What Are Your Rules For Vancouver?
Write your rule here and see your very own rule for Vancouver appear below.
- Keep to the right, so others can pass.
- Keep your eyes wide shut, Vancouver.
- Cook (or bake) your mother’s favourite dish.
- Never step on a sidewalk crack.
- While at the beach, offer the setting sun a standing ovation; clap loudly.
- Pray to the rain god for more rain.
- Create adults-only hours in city parks.
- Keep looking for mushrooms.
- Talk in whispered tones in Stanley Park.
- Refuse plastic bags for your groceries.
- Stop buying plastic water bottles.
- LOVE YOUR BEAN more than your coffee beans.
- Prepare to be engaged at ENGAGEMENT.
- Donate your CRA tax refund to the City of Vancouver.
- Park your car as far away as possible from the front door.
- Wear an all-white wardrobe on rainy days.
- Wear sunglasses only on cloudy days.
- Take a rake to the beach, and help Park Board staff.
- Sit on an ECHO at Kits Beach.
- Mash it up at the VAG’s MASHUP.
- Shine, and you’ll never be lackluster, Vancouver.
- Remember your mail carrier at Christmastime.
- Make snow angels whenever you can.
- Play street hockey on your street.
- Wear only your Sunday best on Sundays.
- Pay it forward, Vancouver.
- Volunteer at a school.
- Hop on a bus, and ride it all day long.
- Vancouver, do something about your ridiculous real-estate prices.
- Think of Vancouver as a world-class city.
- When bored, play a board game until you are bored.
- Take a walk on the wild side.
- Send Queen Elizabeth II a ninetieth birthday greeting.
- Learn another language.
- Repeat as often as necessary.
- ||: Vote again; share :||
- Call your parents.
- Hug a giant jelly bean in Charleson Park.
- Don’t use your car for an entire weekend.
- Be bold: never carry an umbrella.
- Avoid wearing all black.
- Pat yourself on the back, Vancouver.
- Share.
- Vote again.
- Embrace diversity.
- Reduce your garbage to one bag per week.
- Make a yearly trek to Wreck Beach.
- Look twice before crossing the Granville Street bridge.
- Think twice.
- Keep voting!
- Never give up.
- Don’t quit.
- Do not cause damage to yourself or to others.
- Don’t complain about what Vancouver is not; rather, promote the good.
- Introduce yourself to your neighbours.
- Be natural.
- Don’t stand still.
- Stop using your earbuds/headphones and listen to the world around you.
- Don’t litter.
- If you ride a bicycle, do so on the road, not on the sidewalk.
- Be extra patient when driving behind out-of-province licence plates.
- Thank your bus driver.
- Don’t complain about what Vancouver is not; rather, promote the good.
- Introduce yourself to your neighbors.
- Be natural.
- Don’t stand still.
- Don’t litter.
- If you ride a bicycle, do so on the road, not on the sidewalk.
- Be extra patient when driving behind out-of-province licence plates.
- Thank your bus driver.
- If you smoke, don’t leave your cig butt on the ground, grass, or beach.
- If you have a complaint about Vancouver, find a way to change or improve the situation.
- Stop buying bottled water.
- Water boulevard trees.
- Introduce yourself to your local MLA.
- Swear off plastic bags: become a brown-paper lover.
- Let your car rest for a whole weekend: walk, bicycle, or take public transit.
- Never give up on the Canucks!
- Find a favourite restaurant and patronize it regularly.
- Lobby park-board commissioners to chill out!
- Go skiing and golfing in the same day; brag to the rest of the country.
- As soon as your child is born, make monthly deposits into a special housing account.
- Don’t hoard loonies and toonies in your pocket.
- Never underestimate the power of a banana peel.
- Count the stars with your child or your significant other.
- Never be afraid to wear colours.
- Ask a lot of questions.
- Challenge the status quo.
- Patronize mom & pop stores.
- Take a bag while on a walk and pick up all garbage.
- Take care when opening your car door: bike couriers are EVERYWHERE!
- Laugh from the belly.
- Remember your mother on Mother’s Day.
- While in the nude, build a sand castle on Wreck Beach.
- Smile to your neighbours.
- KISS: Keep It Short & Simple.
- Kiss and make up. . . often.
- being shit at everything doesn’t have advantages
- no thanks
- Vote often.
- Avoid cutting others off in traffic.
- Enjoy your fresh clean air, Vancouverites, by taking a walk every day.
- Figure out how you can help society, your fellow humans, and do it.
- Stop complaining and do something: get involved, help to effect change, volunteer, speak up.
- Outlaw cigarettes. PERIOD. Ban smoking throughout the entire city.
- Eat well and exercise.
- Try to use correct grammar whenever possible.
- Don’t be afraid of the dark.
- Celebrate your artsy elements: create something every single day.
- Carpe diem, Vancouver.
- Wake up and smell the coffee — on any corner in your ‘hood!
- Stop using your garburator and create a small compost container on your kitchen counter.
- When passing a dog and his owner, say hello to both.
- Always carry a small amount of cash.
- Go green, and plant a garden, no matter how small.
- Pay your taxes on time.
- Never give up.
- Sing: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
- Hug one of the big A-MAZE-ING guys at Denman and Davie, and laugh heartily while doing so.
- The geographical attributes of this city do belong to your personality or character, and, therefore, cannot be
- flaunted by you as your own personal accomplishments and success.
- Love your fellow Vancouverites.
- Laugh at yourself.
- Do one silly thing every day.
- Always, always pack an umbrella, even if it is blazingly sunny.
- Stretch your personal parameters every day.
- Don’t be afraid.
- Don’t expect or assume anything will happen so every event and encounter stays hopeful!
- Avoid consuming artificially coloured food. Do M & Ms count?
- Do your homework
- Do NOT water your grass.
- Eat your vegetables.
- we miss you every day of our lives
- Be kind to yourself.
- It has to be about me and my friends.
- do it now
- Read offline every day.
- Get your work done as quickly as possible so that you can play!
- Breathe in the Beauty ~ Breathe out the Awe
- Always keep The Lions as your North Star. If heeded, despite the barren urban landscape which envelopes its citizens, your gaze will remain steadfast upon our fair city’s majestic mountains, Salish Sea and ancient forests.
- Please touch the lion gently
- Let music speak to you every day of your Vancouver existence by soothing your soul, igniting your creativity, and activating your tear ducts.
- On your birthday sing “Happy Birthday” loudly to yourself.
- Complain about the rain and housing prices in winter, rejoice when the sun shines and forget about money in summer.
- Plant a tree.
- Party as though Monday will never arrive.
- Get down (literally) and dirty in a garden!
- Don’t be a bystander in your own Vancouver life.
- Beware of crossing your arms.
- Do not play loud music.
- Don’t throw sand.
- The next time you see a police officer, offer your thanks.
- Play fairly.
- Hold the door open for older folks.
- Cough/sneeze into your shirt sleeve.
- Introduce yourself to your neighbours.
- Follow the speed limit.
- Wait your turn.
- Separate your recyclables properly.
- Clean up after your dog. Or ELSE!
- No shoes, no shirt, no service.
- Pick up your dogs poop in a bag THEN throw it in the trash.
- Stop using umbrellas for the littlest rain drops, they won’t kill you.
- Do not pass GO; do not collect $200. Go directly to jail.
- Don’t let anyone invade and conquer your mental space.
- Don’t let the rain get you down.
- Pay homage to Osgemeos’s GIANTS on Granville Island, who watch out for all of us, come rain or shine.
- Always look both ways before crossing the street, and double-check for Vancouver’s celebrated bicycle couriers.
- Always talk in low tones when you are out in public.
- Be friendly to your fellow residents, strangers, and tourists.
- Support your your neighbourhood coffee shop.
- Wear bright-coloured socks regularly to infuse the day with brilliance!
- Wear bright-coloured socks regularly to infuse the day with brilliance!
- 18. As you are are at risk from cars riding your bike on the roads, so are pedestrians at risk from you riding on the sidewalks but they do not have helmets, or fall protection. No riding bikes on the sidewalks.
- Show interest in someone else! In other words get your head out of your self involved asses!
- Be original, stop the fashion copycatish ways, ie; ankle boots for ladies and brown dress shoes for men
- Be friendly, courteous, polite, and congenial. Always.
- Don’t piss off the dog
- Eat flash frozen tuna only.
- Don’t give up
- Don’t mess with his head
- Remove mask to breathe.
- Remember your manners
- Smile and get to know your neighbour.
- Always wipe front to back.
- Say Thank you!
- Say no first, you can change your mind later
- Walk softly, appreciate nature and cut down your driving to the absolute minimum!
- 1. be politically in-correct, 2. keep being straight and proud of it, 3. don’t say anything about ever present dogs, 4. assume that any ink on your body is a harm, 5. a word “organic” is out of this dictionary,
- Be nice to each other
- Keep a look out for your neighbours
- T H I N K A B O U T I T
- It’s not just about the bottom line
- Walk around Trout Lake and enjoy nature.
- Visit the beaches in Stanley Park once a week spring summer fall & winter
- self-rule
- RULE – noun (INSTRUCTION) B1 [C usually plural] an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do: A referee must know all the rules of the game. The first/most important rule in life is always to appear confident. Before you start your own business you should be familiar with the government’s rules and regulations. You must follow/ obey/ observe the rules. You must not break the rules. In special cases the manager will bend/ stretch the rules (= allow the rules to be broken slightly). You can trust Ruth because she always plays (it) by/goes by/does things by the rules (= follows instructions, standards, or rules).
- Be a real treehugger: show your fav tree a little loving!
- Look North and breath!
- Compose a haiku in honour of your love for Vancouver.
- Be a Vancouver supporter, not a detractor.
- Look up, way, way up, and never look down.
- Wear colourful socks. Always.
- Build a sandcastle at the beach.
- Find a restaurant in which everyone calls you by name.
- Never stop promoting Vancouver.
- Stay up all night and walk the city.
- Find friends who are plumbers, electricians, and carpenters.
- Dance in the rain.
- Befriend a baker. It’s always beneficial to have access to cookies!
- Take a photograph of your neighbourhood every year on the same day.
- Once a week (or month), dress up and take your significant other to a fancy place.
- Dress for comfort, especially on bicycles.
- Throw caution to the wind, and live without rules!
- Support each other
- Give away the things you love the most
- Upgrade your life – move out of Vancouver
- Stop fighting each other
- Walk on your own side of the pavement and stop bumping into my childs buggy
- No umbrellas – ever – unless you share with a stranger for your entire walk.
- Vancouver should, in general, have fewer rules, but those that remain, should, in general, be enforced, and that these rules should, in general, be applied equally, equitably, and justly.
- Leave genuine street photographers alone.
- No sleeping on streets and parks.
- Cyclists need mandatory training on bike safety and rules
- Be sure to look up and check for birds before crossing a street.
- Do not COVER UP; do not keep everything at arm’s length; rather, open up and talk to your fellow Vancouverites.
- Get pedestrians to go……when the sign says ” Go ” and frigging ” Stop ” when the sign says STOP! 😉
- Be genuine. Stop pretending to be something you are not.
- Walk bare-footed on a beach for a free foot massage.
- Buy some chalk and make a sidewalk or street drawing!
- If you’re not happy with your city, do something to re-frame your mindset.
- Bake a pie with fruit from your local farmers’ market.
- Go skinny-dipping under a full moon!
- Live on the edge, Vancouverites: do not carry a travel umbrella!
- Avoid plastic bottles; buy a metal or glass container for water.
- Get yourself a pet – but not a dog or cat.
- I’m not old
- Smile you miserable shit
- Bake a cake
- Fuck these rues. Break them all. Take your time, hurry up, run and jump, build or break shit, stare into each others’ eyes and smile, take some god-dammed risks and CELEBRATE WHATEVER HAPPENS!
- Create fun EVERY day of your life — with yourself and with others.
- More rules – NO THANKS!
- Eat slowly.
- Vote often.
- Find a street with plentiful cherry blossoms and marvel at Mother Nature’s beauty.
- Buy a real book. An actual book. And read it in one weekend.
- Pick up after your dog.
- Don’t litter. Anywhere.
- Refrain from using cell phones in theatres. PLEASE.
- Buy/rent a bicycle and get to know your ‘hood.
- Bring more international artists’ artworks to Metro Vancouver’s cityscape.
- Make a homemade meal at least once a day.
- Create fewer rules, bylaws, and restrictions for Vancouver residents and tourists.
- Listen to Nature.
- Vote: it’s your civic duty, AND it’s fun!
- Somehow we need to improve Vancouver’s architecture – it really needs it
- Do something creative every day of your existence in this amazing city in this spectacular country on this marvelous planet.
- Do something unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary on your days off.
- Give thanks to the Goddess of Cherry Blossoms: wow!
- Wear a grin from ear to ear!
- Go outside right now, stand directly under a cherry blossom tree, and embrace the awesomeness!
- Be happy.
- Try the sushi
- Make everything easier.
- Dear Neighbour, please don’t park in front of my drive-way as I can’t get out. I like your new car, but not as much as I first did now it’s been blocking my way out. Your Neighbour.
- None of the above.
- Get rid of Christy Clarke.
- Let us call out our Politicians and take them to task when they fail on their obligations or they are seen to be corrupt.
- Let’s make Vancouver a livable city for its residents as oppose to making it livable for only rich money launders.
- Walk 10,000 steps everyday.
- No Shopping on Sundays.
- Between July 1st and September 1st work weeks should end on Thursdays.
- Have more public art like TransAm Totem.
- Always carry an umbrella.
- Greet everyone with a smile.
- Listen to yourself not others.
- Laugh uncontrollably.
- Do not slack.
- Don’t steal parking spaces.
- Keep to the paths only when being watched.
- Express your love for Vancouver more often.
- Open a second (or third) language: open up your linguistic neural pathways.
- Grow a summer garden at home and prepare one salad per day.
- Ensure that your earthquake kit is up to date.
- Do not keep everything at arms length, keep everything WITHIN arm’s length, be open minded, intimate, present and engaging.
- When speaking with people put away your cell phone: Look right into their eyeballs and search for a deeper, more meaningful connection.
- Visit Wreck Beach and let it all hang out… literally!
- Observe the speed limit on Granville Street.
- Absolutely do NOT keep everything arms length: embrace, welcome, smile, engage, invite!
- Watch out for your fellow citizens (tourists) safety and well being.
- Refresh the dangerously faded white traffic line which do not show up on fast roads that curve under grey dark downpour especially as crazed drivers love tailgating 24/7
- Keep your speed down at the park
- If you see a police officer, say hello and thank you.
- Be courteous on public transit.
- Patronize mom and pop operations.
- Take a walk outdoors every day.
- Go to the beach and play in the sand.
- Put away your cell phone when you’re on the seawall or in a park.
- Go out of your comfort zone, Vancouverites: do NOT keep everything at arm’s length.
- Do not attend a concert if you have a cold or a cough.
- Follow your mother’s rule: always pick up after yourself.
- Do NOT keep everything and everyone at arm’s length: open up and be friendly, Vancouverites!
- Do NOT keep everything at arm’s length: engage!
- Cough or sneeze into your shirt sleeve.
- Keep your left overs
- M O N K T I M E
- Always carry a compact umbrella!
- Lose the Vancouver aloofness: do not keep everything at arm’s length!
- Discover a new park in Metro Vancouver.
- Go for a swim in our magnificent Pacific Ocean.
- Hug one of the guys in the A-MAZE-ING LAUGHTER installation at English Bay.
- Take a walk in your ‘hood every day.
- Hug one of the giant jelly beans in Charleson Park. LOVE YOUR BEAN, man!
- Plant a garden — in your backyard, on your patio, on your rooftop.
- Hop on a bicycle and go green!
- Consider not using your car for one or two days a week: use public transit, your two legs, or a bicycle instead.
- Smile when you’re out in public.
- When you see a non-BC licence plate, cut the driver some slack!
- Avoid the TV and computer for one night a week and go to an actual movie theatre.
- Call (yes, pick up the phone) a Vancouver friend that you’ve not heard from in over a year.
- Rules Are Made To Be Broken
- stop daydreaming about a new VAG
- Eat your greens
- Remember to those close, of those you want to keep close
- stop it
- put weapons away
- We could do with this in Seattle.
- Spend more time with your friends & family, put down your phone, disengage from Facebook, twitter and other pointless online activities.
- Look out for others
- Give thanks for rain, daily.
- Appreciate it! Be grateful.
- as you were
- Read all warning signage and do not trust your own judgement to navigate public space without these instructions.
- Keep ears plugged with headphones at all times to ensure no untoward interaction with your fellow city dwellers.
- Vote!
- Open a door for a stranger.
- Always say hello to the bus driver.
- Get to know your immediate neighbours to the N, S, W, and E of your residence.
- Don’t forget to signal when you’re riding a bicycle.
- When riding a bicycle, don’t act like a pedestrian and ride on the sidewalk.
- Always tidy up after yourself when visiting a park or beach.
- For one day a week use your feet and/or public transit only.
- Always be polite
- Always avoid speaking at the first person, using identifiers such as “I” and “me”, it’s redundant seeing as you are already speaking.
- no planking on the sidewalk
- If you have kids, share dinner with them as often as you can
- Avoid texting during meals: share more eyeball contact with your dinner mates.
- Show Love to all you come across not indifference.
- Create fewer rules!
- walk on the wild side of life…always
- please check your normative life in at the city limits before entering GVRD
- Always carry a portable umbrella in your backpack, bag, or purse.
- Respect seaweed and the ocean from whence it came.
- No more text art works
- Be adventurous, and explore a Vancouver neighbourhood that you have never visited.
- Always remember to look up from time to time.
- Be the CHANGE you wish to see in OUR City & our World at Large.
- Always look North to the Mountains.
- Be “REAL” Friendly to anyone.
- Embrace the rain, and be thankful that it’s not snow!
- Do not keep everything at arm’s length: strike up a conversation with fellow residents and tourists.
- Clean up after yourself: in parks, self-serve restaurants, staff rooms, etc.
- Consider yourself a tourism ambassador for Vancouver: be friendly and helpful.
- All visitors & citizens, including aliens, are required to touch and engage with art in public places
- Bicycles, like automobiles & dogs, must be licensed annually
- All motorized vehicles , other than fully electric vehicles, entering downtown ( crossing any of the bridges) between 7:30 a.m. & 7 pm Monday thru Saturday, will automatically be assessed a $5.00 ” rush hour ” toll fee
- panhandling is forbidden
- Support your local arts organization.
- Take 5 minutes every day to look around and appreciate the city
- More community gardens that enhance our topoprgraphy and enjoyment of our city…
- Enjoy the beauty of Vancouver like it is the first time you are seeing it!
- Consider your self born.
- Feel the greenery around you.
- number nine, number nine, number nine …
- Leave your home everyday with the mindset that you want to spread joy to all you encounter along the way.. Say hi to those you meet… Smile at a stranger. You will be helping to make someone happy!
- Don’t be afraid to wear bright colours, Vancouverites.
- Dear Vancouverites, wear something other than grey or black.
- Be kind
- Avoid texting while crossing the street.
- Remember your mother on Mother’s Day.
- Hug a tree. Seriously. Embrace nature. Literally.
- Enjoy the wonderful weather we have here most of the year and don’t complain when it rains.
- Whatever you take into the parks and our nature – you take out. Respect nature over garbage.
- Be one of the most gorgeous, clean, safe and waterfront cities of the world
- Eliminate the bike paths downtown and put back paid parking. Few people use these expensive pathways and quite frankly, we need the space for parking. Keep the dedicated bike paths to residential areas, NOT downtown.
- Open Stanley Park again wholly to families for parking so that everyone can enjoy our gorgeous Stanley Park
- Enjoy our Fireworks -= both in the summer and for celebrations such as Canada Day – make it fun for everyone. Bring back liveliness to our gorgeous city for all to enjoy.
- Keep the Vancouver Art Gallery EXACTLY where it is – it is the best location in the city, a lovely band heritage building and the centre of our civic plaza for al;l citizens to enjoy. It is easily accessible, ships cruise people can use their three hours to visit and see out collection on exhibition.Furthermore, if there is to be a change, I highly recommend the model of the Tate in London – the original Tate and an off-site Tate…..WE do not have a collection worthy of a $60M plus dedicated building that is not in the centre of our city.
- Forget large fines for bad public art – the public generally speaking does know anything about art, and if it creates dialogue and public discussion, it is healthy for a community, nor matter or personal; opinion. Do not forget that the Eiffel Tower was built for the world fair, under tremendous contra very of public opinion, to be town down after the exposition, and remains today for all to enjoy and is the icon of Paris, attracting hundreds of millions of dollars in tourism and special memories for all to enjoy.
- Swim in the ocean.
- Make sure to wear black upon entering the borders of Yaletown.
- Give EVERYONE the benefit of the doubt – you don’t know what kind of day they’ve had & perhaps someone has hurt their feelings recently…in short, Be Kind!
- Be nice.
- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Carpe diem. ALWAYS.
- When full, push away your plate and stop eating.
- Always look people in the eye.
- When dining with others, put away your cell phone for the complete duration of the meal.
- Use “please” and “thank you” more often than you usually do.
- Wait your turn
- The better you can eat, the less you have to concern yourself with people with less.
- Consume one less latte per day.
- Be neighbourly: support your local farmers’ market.
- Be less xenophobic: say hi to your neighbours.
- Don’t take itself too seriously.
- Promote the arts: attend a play, watch a movie, go to the ballet, take lessons from a music teacher, start dance lessons, attend a symphony concert, see an opera, visit an art gallery.
- Rules are meant to be broken.
- Everything is going to be alright.
- Engage in one act of random kindness every day, fellow Vancouverites.
- Go to a park; use it.
- If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
- If you see litter, deposit it in a trash can
- Be friendly and enjoy life!
- Be friendly to artists!
- Start a conversation with a stranger 1-3 times per day.
- Start loving the rain.
- begin every conversation with a discussion of the weather
- No disposable plastic water bottles
- If you buy a house you must live in it.
- TIME OUTS must be taken alone, with closed eyes and end with the word ‘namaste’.
- Look around and be grateful of the beautiful environment
- There is always a funny way to see everything. Try it.
- Watch for falling objects at all time.
- Check out all the coffee shops at each corner.
- Respect our green space and be grateful.
- Smile & say ‘Hi’
- Walk in single file, not in a sidewalk-spanning wall formation.
- Embrace the rainy weather: it’s free moisturizer!
- Remember you resemble what you say.
- Learn the language of the trees
- When it is raining (for days on end), resist the urge to be uncomplimentary about Vancouver in the rain.
- Be more edgy and take more chances, Vancouver.
- Be bolder, more cutting-edge, Vancouver. Live on the edge!
- Respect cyclists, and always do a last-second check before turning left or right.
- Patronize your local farmers’ markets.
- Tax levy for off shore real estate buyers.
- Remember to immerse yourself in what interests you.
- Enjoy the view.
- Rules don’t do well here. BEHAVE like a grown up. OK?
- Be intentional and aware in your care for Vancouver.
- To 2 cups of INTENSITY, add an equal amount of AMENITY. Stir well.
- Copenhagenize Vancouver
- Be friendly to others.
- There are no rules.
- always move through the streets like you’re dancing
- love and be grateful for what we have!
- Never show your teeth while in a surreptitious giggle.
- Slow down at all 4-way stops.
- Cyclists much follow the rules of the road or risk being suspended from the game.
- Remember to take a moment for yourself and just breathe.
- Congregate outside of Skytrain stations and talk to every single person trying to figure out the Compass cards situation.
Avoid unplanned encounters.
- always be careful not to diminish people, places, or things by unwarranted behaviour
- Keep it tight.
- Spit only inside your own home.
- Travel on the right, pass on the left.
- Let the public make decisions about “public” art
- Relax
- Walk the streets looking forward through the view of your smartphone in camera mode.
- almost always smile & open doors for others
- SMILE and treat others kindly
- Be respectful and mindful of everyone else’s space.
- Do not keep everything (and everyone) at arm’s length: embrace the unknown and welcome new adventures, especially involving people.
- Embrace public art (such as this project by British artist Peter Liversidge): Vancouver is richer for these kinds of experiences.
- Support arts organizations such as the Vancouver Biennale: they are enlivening our ‘hoods and making our public spaces interesting!
- Love.
- No cars aloud in the downtown area.
- Stare at the sky more often.
- Hug your pets every day.
- Hug your pets (at least) twice a day.
- Try harder to have a soul
- Help us find a quick way from the top of Granville Island bridge to the market – new bungee, elevator or slide?
- Don’t be an asshole.
- No smiling on the bus. Keep head down, and eyes firmly attached to your phone.
- Keep the city clean and greeni>
- Wear sunscreen!
- STOP standing still to chat in the middle of a bike lane!!!
- MORE PETER LIVERSIDGE! Vancouver could use some more humour and intellect.
- Go with the wind.
- Banish Peter Liversidge from the city. What creep.
- Find creative, practical, affordable solutions to combat astronomical housing prices!
- Make space.
- Eat an avocado every day at 3pm. Salt and pepper it. Look at a tomato while doing so.
- YES, look North! While drinking a craft beer…
- Never bring an umbrella. It only encourages the rain.
- Jump as high as you can every 3 minutes.
- Please take off any “extension of your body” when riding any type of public transit.
- Take transit
- Everybody just relax!
- Share housing.
- Climb the tree on the left side of your house.
- Appreciate all that you have here.
- Drink local craft beer.
- Go nude
- Talk to strangers.
- Cars and cyclists: Stop for pedestrians!
- Smile at one stranger every day especially when it’s raining
- Say hello to people when you pass them on the street.
- Tip your Tillie! Bend you Brollie!
- Drink a local craft beer, IBU 30 plus
- Turn that frown upside down!
- eat, drink and be merry
- wear your yoga gear any time any day if you feel like it.
- Look North and enjoy!
- Always be polite.
- Umbrella etiquette dictates that you walk to the furthest edge of the sidewalk and away from the buildings.
- There is a $2 fine for anyone who forgets the beauty of the city they live in.
- Ban uppity British people who think they are artists and know what’s best for us.
- Large fines for bad public art as decided by residents.
- Hate Toronto
- Find something beautiful.
- Close your umbrella when walking under cover.
- You pack it in – You pack it out – remember parents can’t follow and clean up after you forever.
- Hire local artists!
- Respect each others space.
- Love all ways, always.
- Look out, for the future.
- All single people must carry their Starbucks coffee in their left hand
- Everyone must be clothed in black or grey
- Respect others.
- RESPECT your city streets, natural environment and fellow citizens.
- Stop calling Vancouver a world class city.
- The word “SKOOKUM” must be used in a sentence at least once every day.
- Wake up
- Please speak to strangers, and be a welcome ambassador for your city.
- Socialize! We need it.
- Never be on time.
- Always do a full scan before crossing any street
Figure out how you can help society, your fellow humans, and do it.