Study for Future Rock #1 and #2
Karen Lofgren, Canada
Title: Study for Future Rock #1 and #2
Artist: Karen Lofgren (b. 1976, Canada)
Medium: Aluminum and plastic
Dimensions (H x W x D): 117 x 97 x 71 cm (46 x 38 x 28 in)
Weight: Unavailable
Location: Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden (578 Carrall Street) in Vancouver (installed in July 2014 and removed in October 2014)
Study for Future Rock is made from the same materials as many single-use consumer items and signage. The compositions are inspired by ancient Chinese scholars’ stones prized for asymmetry, hollowness, awkwardness, figuration, and suggestibility. Blocked-out text creates formal arrangements, changing their function to decoration while erasing their messages.
The work was created in response to the site of the artwork, the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, under the Vancouver Biennale’s theme of Open Borders / Crossroads Vancouver.