Art imitating… art?
Thursday March 3rd, 2011
I remember being in a high school art class where the teacher handed us paints and told us to paint anything that we saw in the room – I painted a chair. It wasn’t until later in college when I started looking outside the room. I remember being in my first Art History course and finally getting a sense of world history through studying what was produced by the artists of that time.
Katherine Tong, our education program manager sees, “art as an entry point to cross-curriculum education.” Teaching students to reflect on the public art that has become a part of their lives and communities over the last couple of years has received a warm welcome.
The Vancouver Biennale is proud to present “BIG IDEAS: Responding to Public Art,” a series of student art exhibitions. Big thanks to West Vancouver, North Vancouver and Vancouver school districts who have worked with us to create these exhibitions. We are so excited to challenge the students, teachers and families of these communities to view the creative responses from senior high students, who have used public art as their access point. Our goal is to idea is to inspire an ongoing dialogue that will continue long after the “BIG IDEAS” exhibit has ended.
We’re also running a very cool, “BIG IDEAS Passport Contest” where we will be giving away an iPad, iPod Shuffle and a pocket video camera! School tour groups can also enter for a grand prize draw of art supplies donated by Opus Framing and Art Supplies (retail value $380).
For more information on our Passport Contest, locations and opening receptions go to Or email Katherine at [email protected].