Vancouver Biennale: A Journey of Discovery
Tuesday June 23rd, 2009
The problem with art is that it always seems to come into our lives from out of nowhere, like a surprise party.
One day you’re doing some very normal things – jogging the seawall, awaiting the arrival of your half-caff latte, thinking about sushi – when BAM, there it is. Something way out of the ordinary, something strange, something so arresting that it gives you pause to think. Opens a little door inside you, more light comes shining in.
For instance, say you’re strolling north along Davie Street toward English Bay in Vancouver’s Westend and you come across some giant upturned metal arcs that seem at first glance to be a kind of exposed ribcage or an unfinished sketch for a skateboarder’s half-pipe. Other eyes from another angle might see it to be a pair of cupped hands embracing a view of foreign oil freighters bobbing in the water and still others see it as an open-air homage to the curly fry.
Standing there among such incredible natural vistas and yet also within the normal sights, smells and sounds of the city this curious piece of sculpture quietly challenges our imagination.
Over the next 22 months the city of Vancouver will become an open-air museum for sculpture, new media and performance art as the Vancouver Biennale 2009-2011 takes flight for a celebration of international art and culture in public spaces.
The ludicrous supernatural beauty of Vancouver will become enhanced by installations of international art in local parks, SkyTrain stations, plazas, parking lots and will adorn our transit vehicles taking the vision of the Vancouver Biennale into neighborhoods throughout the city.
Work by artists from Poland, Mexico, India, China, USA, Germany, England, Spain, Australia, Korea, Lithuania and Canada will adorn Vancouver over the next 22 months.
This blog will catalog the arrivals, celebrations and events surrounding these art pieces.
It will also take a closer look at the history, context and personalities of the works and artists that you will see, experience and come to know over the next few years.