Will you help us keep "A-maze-ing Laughter" around?
Monday March 5th, 2012
How many times have you been strolling around Beach Avenue by English Bay and found yourself drawn to the striking yet comical sculpture officially known as “A-maze-ing Laughter”?
The sculpture by renowned Chinese artist Yue Minjun, was brought to Vancouver in 2009 as a part of a Vancouver Biennale temporary public art exhibition. The great thing about being a Biennale that showcases a number of works of art for two years at a time is that we have the great opportunity to expose people who may or may not necessarily be interested in contemporary sculpture in their every day lives.
How cool is that?!
However, now that the two-year mark on our 2009-2011 exhibition is rolling to a close, we have realized the beautiful and exceptional relationship that Vancouverites and tourists alike have come to establish with “A-maze-ing Laughter”. For this reason, the Biennale has offered to keep the sculpture on exhibit in its current location at Morton Park (1800 Morton Avenue at Denman Street) for another 20 years, upon the approval and encouragement of citizens.
This is where you come in!
We are required to complete a civic engagement process that entails the collection of opinions and feedback about the potential of the sculpture staying put. If you are willing to take a few minutes of your time to comment on this proposal, we ask that you please e-mail [email protected], and put “Biennale Consultation” in the subject line. If you prefer standard mail, the address to write to is:
Biennale Consultation
Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation
2099 Beach Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6G 1Z4
We are also accepting donations through texts or on our website. Text the word “ART” to 45678 to donate $5 or choose your amount at Canada Helps. Tell 5 people today!