Across Vancouver with Seung Woo Back
Tuesday March 1st, 2016
Seung Woo Back is a Korean photographic artist. and Vancouver Biennale International Residency artist. He first visited the city in 2014 as part of the first cohort of residency artists in the 2o14-2016 exhibition. During that visit he explored the city by bus and took the photos which formed his final project Cross Vancouver.
Since 2014 he worked to realize the project that he had proposed for his residency, and in January of this year the 5 artworks, which explore reflections of the deindividualized nature of Vancouver’s urban landscape and the shift towards a global singular identity, were exhibited in transit shelters across the city. At the same time Centre A hosted Walking The Line, a photography exhibition by the artist. Next month more public art/public transit photography by Seung Woo Back will be displayed in the city as part of Capture Photography Festival.
Seung Woo Back was in town a couple of weeks ago to see the completion of Cross Vancouver, show off his new book, interview with Roundhouse Radio and sign limited edition prints of his transit shelter photographs. He shared his photo journal of his visit with us.
Connect with Seung Woo Back on social media
The artists who are selected to participate in The Vancouver Biennale International Artists Residency program are rising stars in their own countries. The artists are required to involve the community in the realization of their projects. This program brings artists together in dialogue and builds lasting connections between the artists and the local community.