BIG IDEAS in Social Responsibility Part 1
Awarded with the Vancouver Biennale BIG IDEAS artist collaborator grant in 2012, students of Cariboo Hill Secondary and Armstrong Elementary, Carson Graham Secondary and Westview Elementary, Queen Alexandra Elementary participated in the Vancouver Biennale BIG IDEAS 2013 Arts in Action. Drawing inspirations and ideas from various Vancouver Biennale art installations, students shared, reflected and responded to their respective BIG IDEAS in Social Responsibility.
Related Material
Cariboo Hill Gr 10/11/12 and Armstrong Gr 3 and 7Explore and express what can be learnt from the persuasion we face every day.
Carson Graham Gr 11/12 and Westview Gr 7Students reflect & share how to overcome bullying and its affect on their body, mind & heart.
Queen Alexandra Gr 6Illuminate how past actions affect their present and future through dance.