Language Arts
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Learning to Learn: Curious ImaginingsHow do the surrealist sculptures in Curious Imaginings make us feel about humanity and…
Human InterconnectednessA unit of inquiry on expression of human connectivity.
Rainfall in Vancouver & São PauloImpact of rainfall in Vancouver & Canada and what tension it reflects.
Grade 8
Grade 9
Learning to Learn: Curious ImaginingsHow do the surrealist sculptures in Curious Imaginings make us feel about humanity and…
Borders in SocietyWhat decisions build or break down borders? How can we reshape these borders?
Freedom of ExpressionIt is important to understand the scope and influence of censorship
Our Changing WorldShifting perspectives in a diverse globalized community
Society and Individual IdentityHow does our social setting shape our personal and collective identity?
Grade 10
Learning to Learn: Curious ImaginingsHow do the surrealist sculptures in Curious Imaginings make us feel about humanity and…
Empathy through CommunicationHow do individuals demonstrate empathy/compassion?
Migration and MobilityHow does immigration impact society?
Self within CommunityHow can individuals mindfully interact with the diversity of people in society?