SFU Contemporary Arts • Contra Tiempo
This site specific dance performance is part of the Vancouver Biennale BIG IDEAS 2012 Performance Series. Performed on Monday, April 23 at the Biennale sculpture site, Walking Figures at Canada Line Station at City Hall, Vancouver.
In “Contra Tiempo”, the space around the Walking Figures serve as a natural stage for a dynamic interaction between dancer and musician. Working with the theme of “Heart, Mind and Body”, heart rate, breath and walking pace were chosen as the processes from which to draw three distinct tempos. Each of the three tiered levels of the Walking Figures sculptures feature its own dance and music inspired by either heart rate, breath, or walking pace. The dancers play with the dynamic architecture of the space, following and juxtaposing the directional movement of the sculptures. The three dimensional nature of the space provides a visual depth of field, creating differences in perspective and viewpoint for the audience members situated around the periphery.