Grade 9
Arts Education
- Learning to Learn: Acoustic AnvilNarrative, sound, industry, and the performance of sculpture all contribute to a…
- Communicating Stories of IdentityExploring ways to express our stories of identity.
- Introduction to Sculpture & Public ArtAn inquiry on how art has evolved over time & the unique experience sculptures bring.
Career Education
Language Arts
- Learning to Learn: Curious ImaginingsHow do the surrealist sculptures in Curious Imaginings make us feel about humanity and…
- Borders in SocietyWhat decisions build or break down borders? How can we reshape these borders?
- Freedom of ExpressionIt is important to understand the scope and influence of censorship
- Our Changing WorldShifting perspectives in a diverse globalized community
- Society and Individual IdentityHow does our social setting shape our personal and collective identity?
Physical and Health Education
Social Studies
- Learning to Learn: A Logo for AmericaVisual symbols are ubiquitous. How do we identify recognizable icons in changing…
- x Multiculturalism and the Building of a NationHow can we build cooperation from diversity?
- The Movement of Goods and People: Causes & ConsequencesCan individuals effect change at both community & international level?
- Social DivisionsA unit of inquiry on social divisions